Thursday, November 15, 2007

our little adventure bee!

we took our little miss bee car camping for the first time a couple of weeks ago. we manged to set up a comfy bed for her on the front passenger seat which she obviously found eminently suitable sleeping the whole night through! she laughed and squealed with delight the following day as we explored the area and and then we all jumped in the wooli river for a swim - one of her favourite things to do! our beautiful water baby.... there's also a couple of gratuitous shots of our gorgeous girl, just because she's gorgeous!! oh and she has 2 teeth through! k

lismore storm

maybe you heard about the wicked hail storm that hit lismore and surrounds last month? hailstones the size of golf balls, 90km/hr wind gusts and a deluge that lasted a deafening 20mins or more!! the event was declared a natural disaster (tho i think we got off lightly compared to the tsunami victims, cyclone katrina etc!). our little slice of paradise did not escape the carnage - the garden looked like a giant lawnmower had ravaged it, a window was shattered, the roof pummelled and various other casualties...and this was nothing compared to some other houses in the neighbourhood! ella and i took refuge in the bathroom, as far away from the perilous gum trees on the southern side of the house as possible! very exciting really! i've included a before picture of the vegie patch, eerily taken just the day before the storm.. k
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