Monday, September 25, 2006

Vegies and more chook stuff.

We've been in Ostrom St about 2 months now, and the vegie garden is finally geting to a stage where wa can eat a bit. It got a nice top dressing with red topsoil over the weekend, so it should crank along a bit more.

The chooks also got a holiday house. I finished off the tractor i started a while ago. Its a veritable pallace, so they feel comfy while they get out of the normal shed and eat all the weeds, and poo back in good stuff.

Poor old Delilah the big flashy red chook has gone broody, so today shes out in the tractor on a nice concrete floor to try and stop here sitting on the nest all day. Not very nice treatment of a mental health issue, but hopefully will stop her putting all the others off the lay.
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