Thursday, March 27, 2008

lismore floods - jan 08

engulfed in the blissful sunny world of bawley pt and family over christmas, we were only vaguely aware that it had been raining constantly in our home town of lismore, over a 1000kms to the north, the whole time. so it came as a bit of a shock when i received an alert sms from lismore city council informing me that there was minor flooding expected the day before we were due to drive home! needless to say we hot-tailed it out of there for a very quick overnighter, the expected flood levels rising with each new alert! we arrived home to fabulous, if dirty brown, water views, the only kind which de-value a property!! we managed to get anything valuable to us upstairs and out of harm's way quickly so we could then just sit back and watch the show! and what a show - the little creek next to the house backed up and filled half the yard, the wetland across the road became a vast, brown swirling sea, and the rain just kept falling!! tom paddled the kayak out from the side of the road, across the floodwaters and back into our garden! ella even had a little immunizing splash in our new backyard "pond"! eventually the rain eased, the waters subsided and we were treated to the charming stench of rotting vegetation for the following week! we had survived unscathed...this time! ahhh, life in a foodplain town!! k


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