Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Les took a tumble while bringing in the flag...

I came home from work with Karla yesterday, and hear slightly louder noises from next door.. Leslie had been out taking down the flag and had tripped down over the garden edge. When I went over to have a look he was caught in the monstro plants at the top of a 3m high drop, and had a pretty blooddy noggin.
Karla called the ambos, and they called rescue, who called the firebrigade, while I held onto Les, and a bundle of others propped him up - anyway they trundled him off to hospital. Turns out one no stitches, just a bump on the head and perhaps an accelerated step in the que for the pending hip replacement. Alls well :)

Monday, September 05, 2005

Ixus underwater housing

Bought myself a housing for the Ixus - lots of fun!
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